项目概况 Project Overview

1 | 竞赛命题 Competition Name

新时代山水城市 · 丽水山居图城市设计国际竞赛

Future Shanshui City · Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition

2 | 项目地点 Project Location


Along with Ou River, Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China

3 | 项目背景 Project Background


As an important birthplace and practical realization of the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", Lishui has assumed the responsibility of exploring the construction of contemporary ShanShui cities. With this background in mind, we hope to build upon Lishui’s status as a “traditional Chinese ShanShui city” to organically combine the spirit of Chinese ShanShui together with contemporary waterfront urban development concepts. The goal is to methodically construct a Shanshui city spatial framework in order to set a model image for this city typology, to create a new ShanShui city lifestyle, and to explore contemporary, sustainable urban planning strategies.

4 | 设计内容 Work Scope

本次竞赛包括 ① 概念性总体城市设计 ② 详细城市设计:

This competition includes ① Conceptual Overall Urban Design ② Detailed Urban Design:

① 概念性总体城市设计层面,以“丽水山居图”为整体范围。以瓯江为轴带,串联莲都中心城区、碧湖镇、大港头镇,整体范围152平方公里。需要拓展新时代山水城市发展理念,研究山水城共生关系,提出“丽水山居图”空间模式,并从宏观层面整体研究空间布局、落实空间引导、构建山水生活场景,提出实施计划。

① At the conceptual overall urban design level, the overall scope is "Dwellings in Lishui Mountains". Taking the Ou River as the axis, the central city of Liandu, Bihu Town, and Dagangtou Town are connected in a series with an overall area of 152 square kilometers. It is necessary to apply the development concepts of a contemporary ShanShui city to research the symbiotic relationship between landscape and city and to emphasize the spatial model of "Dwellings in Lishui Mountains". At a macro level, it is also necessary to comprehensively study the spatial layout, implementation of spatial guidelines, and construction of a Shan-Shui lifestyle to propose an implementation plan.

② 详细城市设计层面,为核心区域重点地块+其他区域重点地块。其中,核心区域重点地块包括:括苍山风、古城遗蕴、四都清韵、古堰画乡4个地块,共计5.1平方公里。其他区域重点地块:包括山水之门、白岩春诵、丽水智谷、九龙炫彩、碧湖耕读。参赛者将从5个地块抽签选其一。(工作要求详见技术任务书)

② At the detailed urban design level, the scope includes urban central core areas + other regional key parcels. Among these sites, the 4 key plots in the core areas are Wind of Kuocang Mountain, Ancient City Heritage, Rhyme of Sidu, and Guyan Painting Countryside, totaling 5.1 square kilometers. Other key plots in the region are the Portal of Shan-Shui, Ode of Baiyan, Lishui Smart Valley, the Colorful Jiulong, and Bihu Farming and Learning. One plot will be randomly selected by each contestant by drawing lots through a lottery system. (Please refer to the technical brief for work requirements)

▼ 概念性总体城市设计范围

Conceptual overall urban design scope


▼ 详细城市设计范围

Detailed urban design scope


日程安排 Schedule


First Stages: Open registration, qualification review, and proposal selection stage. 






Official Announcement



Competition Launch Conference and Lishui City Promotion Conference




Registration deadline   

Competition concept proposal and prequalification submission deadline



Competition concept proposal and prequalification review meeting (Lishui)

Determine 10 shortlists to enter the formal scheme stage





Announce 10 shortlist members

Shortlist members sign the“Participation Confirmation Letter” 

Organizer provides detailed basic design information


Second Stage: Formal scheme stage, finalists' scheme submission, and competition review stage



Competition site visit (Lishui)



Deliverables submission deadline (electronic version)



Submit deliverables (hardcopy) and on-site presentation order

lottery (Lishui)



Final outcomes review session (Lishui)



Award ceremony and city forum (Lishui)


Note: The above time is subject to Beijing time, the organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule.

竞赛评委 Jury Panel

郑时龄 ZHENG Shiling



Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Academician of French Academy of Architecture and Sciences(Academie d'Architecture)

崔愷 CUI Kai



Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

The chief architect of China Architectural Design&Research Institute

吴志强 WU Zhiqiang



Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Vice president of Tongji University

Alan J. Plattus



Director of Yale’s Ph.D program

Founder of Yale Urban Design Workshop and Center for Urban Design Research (YUDW)

西泽立卫 Nishizawa Ryue



2010 Pritzker prize winner

Co-founder of SANAA Architects

曹嘉明 CAO Jiaming



Vice president of the Architectural Society of China

Editor in chief of Architectural Practice Magazine

马岩松 MA Yansong


Founder and partner of MAD Architects

周俭 ZHOU Jian



President of Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute CO., LTD.

Director of Urban Planning Society of China

马卫东 MA Weidong



Founder of IAM

Executive of a+u (Architecture and Urbanism)

竞赛奖金 Prizes







1 First Prize: award RMB 3,000,000 (incl. GST) 

1 Second Prize: award RMB 1,500,000 (incl. GST) 

1 Third Prize: award RMB 800,000 (incl. GST)

7 Finalist Award: each award RMB 500,000 (incl. GST)

Most Popular Award: A public vote will be conducted on the submitted works of the 10 finalists. The highest voted work will receive the Most Popular Award and a special prize will be awarded by the organizer.

Most Creative Award: In order to encourage innovation, 30 innovative conceptual proposals that fail to be shortlisted for stage two will be awarded "Creative Future ShanShui City Proposal Awards" and will be awarded certificate and a special prize awarded by the organizer.

参赛资格 Qualification


During open registration, contestants (independent legal persons, partnerships, and individuals) with relevant domestic and foreign design experience are allowed to participate. Joint venture (JV) registration is allowed, with the number of members of the JV not exceeding three. Members of a JV can no longer participate in this competition under their own name or under a JV with other design agencies.


Competition Rules





Open registration and qualification review and proposal selection stage.

Participants should register and login the official website and download the related documents: 

www.lishuicompetition.com, and  submit registration materials and conceptual proposals as required by the brief. The jury will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all submissions and will select 10 proposals to shortlist for Stage Two.



主办方组织入围的10组参赛单位进行现场踏勘和答疑,并确定设计地块,10组入围单位按照《技术任务书》要求提交成果文件,最终将从中评出一二三等奖。(具体成果文件、材料递交方式、评审方式及流程请见《新时代山水 • 城市丽水山居图城市设计国际竞赛技术任务书》)


The formal scheme stage and the finalists' scheme submission and competition review stage.

The organizer will coordinate the 10 shortlist members to conduct on-site surveys, answer questions, and select project sites. The 10 members will submit final design documents in accordance with the requirements on the "Technical Brief", and first, second and third prizes will be selected. (For detailed deliverables, material submission instructions, assessment methods and procedures, please refer to "Future Shan-Shui City • Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition Technical Brief")

组织机构 Organization




媒体支持单位:《建筑实践》、《建築と都市Architecture and Urbanism》(a+u)、iCity智能城市知识服务平台

Organizer: Lishui Municipal People's Government

Co-organizer: Lishui Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Dwellings in Lishui Mountains Project Planning and Construction Leading Group Office

Planning Execution and Organization: Shanghai One-Tenth Art Space Co., Ltd.

Media Support: Architectural Practice Magazine, Architecture and Urbanism (a+u), iCity Smart City Knowledge Service Platform




Competition information and material acquisition, please stay tuned:

Lishui Publication, Lishui Network, Lishui Online, Zhejiang News App,Zhelilishui, Zhejiang Online, Zhejiang Daily (Overseas Version), Dwellings in Lishui Mountains WeChat public account, etc; as well as

《建筑实践》Architectural Practice

《建築と都市Architecture and Urbanism》(a+u)


iCity Smart City Knowledge Service Platform


谷德设计网  gooood





上海市建筑学会  Architectural Society of Shanghai


and other media;

人民网  People's Daily Online

今日头条  toutiao.com

百度新闻  Baidu news

中国日报网  ChinaDaily

搜狐网  Sohu


凤凰网  Phoenix New Media

国际在线  CRI Online

环球网  huanqiu.com

中国设计在线  dolcn.com 



预审结果 Pre-qualification Results


10 shortlisted units (Unsorted) 

· 华南理工大学 + 都灵理工大学建筑设计学院

· 美国生态系统城市设计(ESD)事务所 + 蔡永洁教授/建筑师

· 加拿大GA城市规划与景观设计有限公司杭州代表处 + 浙江省建筑设计研究院

· 中国城市规划设计研究院

· 清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

· Olivier Greder(个人)

· UNStudio + Gross Max + Systematica

· 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司

· DE-SO 亚洲设计顾问股份公司 + 笛东规划设计(北京)股份有限公司

· 博埃里建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 + 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 

  + 万物生长(北京)文化旅游发展有限公司

· South China University of Technology

  + POLITECNICO DI TORINO – Department of Architecture and Design

· Eco Systems Design Studio (ESD) Ltd. + Prof. Cai Yongjie / Architect

· Canada GA city planning and Landscape Design Co., LTD. Hangzhou Representative Office

  + Zhejiang Province Institute of  Architectural Design and Research, ZIAD

· China Academy of Urban Planning & Design 

· Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

· Olivier Greder (Individual)

· UNStudio + Gross Max + Systematica

· China Architecture Design & Research Group

· DE-SO Asia Design Consultant Joint Stock Company + DDON Planning & Design Inc.

· BOERI Architecture Design Consulting(Shanghai) CO., LTD. 

  + TONGJI Architectural Design (Group) CO., LTD. 

  + WWSZ (Beijing) Culture & Tourism Development CO., LTD.


2 candidate units (if the shortlisted units withdraw, they will be replaced in sequence) :

1. 德国法洛思地FAROstyle设计研究事务所 + 德国CHZH+XQ注册建筑师事务所

2. 广州源尚建筑设计有限公司 + Degli Esposti Architetti s.r.l 

  + Elisa C. Cattaneo Studio di Architettura e Paesaggio

1. Faro Style Architecture Design & Consulting + CHZH+XQ Architekten & Designer GBR

2. GWP Architects & Degli Esposti Architetti s.r.l. 

  + Elisa C. Cattaneo Studio di Architettura e Paesaggio

终审结果 Final Results


一等奖获得者: 中国城市规划设计研究院

First Prize: China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

主题:流光山水 超级山水公园

Theme: Flowing Shanshui of Glorious Future Super Shanshui Park


二等奖获得者: Olivier Greder(个人)

Second Prize: Olivier Greder (Individual)


Theme:【The Lishuisis】A symbiotic urban change

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三等奖获得者: 华南理工大学 + 都灵理工大学建筑设计学院

Third Prize: South China University of Technology + POLITECNICO DI TORINO – Department of Architecture and Design


Theme: Prosperous Lishui




博埃里建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 + 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司+万物生长(北京)文化旅游发展有限公司

BOERI Architecture Design Consulting(Shanghai) CO., LTD. 

+TONGJI Architectural Design (Group) CO., LTD. 

+WWSZ (Beijing) Culture & Tourism Development CO., LTD.


加拿大GA城市规划与景观设计有限公司杭州代表处 + 浙江省建筑设计研究院

Canada GA city planning and Landscape Design Co., LTD. Hangzhou Representative Office
+Zhejiang Province Institute of  Architectural Design and Research, ZIAD


DE-SO 亚洲设计顾问股份公司 + 笛东规划设计(北京)股份有限公司

DE-SO Asia Design Consultant Joint Stock Company + DDON Planning & Design Inc.



Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University



China Architecture Design & Research Group


UNStudio + Gross Max + Systematica


美国生态系统城市设计(ESD)事务所 + 蔡永洁教授/建筑师

Eco Systems Design Studio (ESD) Ltd. + Prof. Cai Yongjie / Architect


线下活动 Offline Activities


Competition Launch Conference

6月30日上午,新时代山水城市——丽水山居图·城市设计国际竞赛线下启动会在丽水举行,来自全球的参赛者代表与赛事评委代表齐聚丽水,深入了解赛事规则,深层次地参与描绘丽水山居图,共同诠释新时代山水城市的美好愿景。线下启动会通过线下会议和线上直播的方式举行,丽水市市长吴晓东、常务副市长杜兴林、本次竞赛评委代表马卫东、国内知名财经作家吴晓波出席会议并依次发言,Alan J. Plattus、崔愷、曹嘉明、马岩松等评委在线上为各个参赛的团队与选手送上寄语。

On the morning of June 30th, the Competition Launch Conference of the Future ShanShui City • Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition was held in Lishui, contestants from all over the world and jury representatives gathered in Lishui to gain an in-depth understanding of the competition, participate deeply in portraying the Lishui Mountain Dwelling, and jointly interpret the beautiful vision of the new era Shanshui City. The Competition Launch Conference was held through an offline meeting and online live broadcast. The Mayor of Lishui, Mr. Xiaodong Wu, the Executive Vice Mayor, Mr. Xinglin Du, the representative of the jury of this competition, Mr. Weidong Ma, and well-known financial writer, Mr. Xiaobo Wu, attended the meeting and spoke in turn, while judges such as Mr. Alan J. Plattus, Mr. Kai Cui, Mr. Jiaming Cao and Mr. Yansong Ma sent video messages to contestants.




At the meeting, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Lishui, Mr. Xiaodong Wu, delivered the speech, and Executive Vice Mayor of Lishui, Mr. Xinglin Du, introduced the overall situation of the competition; representative of the jury and founder of Shanghai Onetenth Culture and Art Co., Ltd,, Mr. Weidong Ma, introduced the overall planning and practice of Dwellings in Lishui Mountains; well-known financial writer, Mr. Xiaobo Wu, gave a speech of "Stirring Times and Our Future --Industrial Innovation and Shanshui City Proposal".


Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Lishui, Mr. Xiaodong Wu


Executive Vice Mayor of Lishui, Mr. Xinglin Du


Representative of the jury, Mr. Weidong Ma


Financial writer, Mr. Xiaobo Wu

耶鲁大学城市设计工作室与城市设计研究中心创始人Alan J. Plattus教授、中国建筑设计研究院总建筑师崔愷院士、中国建筑学会副理事长曹嘉明、MAD建筑事务所创始人及合伙人马岩松等评委在线上为各个参赛的团队与选手送上寄语。希望广大参赛团队与建筑师发挥创意、结合丽水山水城市的特点,为丽水设计出一个极具感召力的新时代山水城市形象典范。

Founder of Yale University Urban Design Studio and Urban Design Research Center, Prof. Alan J. Plattus, Chief Architect of China Academy of Architecture and Design, Academician Mr. Kai Cui, Vice President of China Architecture Association, Mr. Jiaming Cao, and Founder and Partner of MAD Architects, Mr. Yansong Ma, and other judges sent their messages to the contestants online, hoping that they will give full play to their creativity and combine the characteristics of the ShanShui city of Lishui to design an inspiring image model for Lishui in the new era.


Site Survey Meeting


On August 7, 2020, ten shortlists of the Future ShanShui City • Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition gathered in Lishui, walked among the mountains and rivers, personally felt the landscape of Lishui, explored the urban context, and obtained inspiration for further design of the concept proposal, responding to the actual demands of the city, and shaping the future ShanShui city of Lishui according to local conditions.


At 1:30 p.m., before the site survey began, representatives of the shortlisted units participated in the lottery ceremony to allocation the task of key plots. The five plots were the Portal of ShanShui, Ode of Baiyan, Lishui Smart Valley, the Colorful Jiulong, and Bihu Farming and Learning. The drawing props are folding fans with Chinese characteristics, symbolizing that the " Dwellings in Lishui Mountains " will be slowly spread out in the hands of the contestants to be depicted.



Representatives are drawing lots


After determining the task of the plot, the participants took the bus together, start from Lishui municipal government and began the site survey. The participants first took the speedboat to cross the Ou River, passing through the "the Portal of ShanShui", " Wind of Kuocang Mountain" and "Ancient City Heritage".




After arriving at The Taoshan Bridge, participants got off the speedboat and transferred to the cable car. Drove along the greenway, passing by " Ode of Baiyan", " Lishui Smart Valley", " Rhyme of Sidu" and " the Colorful Jiulong". Then they transferred the bus to Yantou, passing through "Bihu Farming and Learning", then transferred the boat at Yantou, and arrived at the last stop "Guyan Painting Countryside", investigate the ancient street of the painting countryside.



At the end of the site survey meeting, all the participants expressed that they had gained a lot, had deeper understanding of Ou River and Lishui City, and had more in-depth thinking about Lishui's “Shan”, Lishui's “Shui” and Lishui's “ShanShui” spirit.


Next, the ten shortlists will begin to carry out conceptual overall urban design for the overall scope of "Dwellings in Lishui Mountains", covering an area of 152 square kilometers, and carry out detailed urban design for four key plots in core areas: including Wind of Kuocang Mountain, Ancient City Heritage, Rhyme of Sidu, and Guyan Painting Countryside, and other regional key plots determined in the lottery. It is reported that the final evaluation meeting will be held at the end of October. At that time, there will also be a competition award ceremony and a city forum, let's witness the birth of "Dwellings in Lishui Mountains".


Award Ceremony and the the Shanshui City Theme Forum



On November 3rd, 2020, with successfully holding of the Award Ceremony and the the Shanshui City Theme Forum in Lishui, where the competition was held, the international competition for urban design of the Future ShanShui City • Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition, which lasted more than seven months, finally came to a successful conclusion!

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The day before the Award Ceremony, on November 2nd, the Top 10 brought their carefully polished final outcomes to the final sprint to the winner. Academician Mr. Kai Cui, Mr. Jiaming Cao, Mr. Jian Zhou, Mr. Yansong Ma, and Mr. Weidong Ma of the jury listened to the reports of the ten groups and asked questions and communicated with them.

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The Jury Panel on-site


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Leader of jury:Academician Kai Cui



Jury:Academician Shiling Zheng



Jury:Academician Zhiqiang Wu


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Jury:Mr. Jiaming Cao


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Jury:Mr. Jian Zhou


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Jury:Mr. Yansong Ma


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Jury:Mr. Weidong Ma


评审:Alan J. Plattus先生

Jury:Mr. Alan J. Plattus



Jury:Mr. Nishizawa Ryue

受疫情的影响,本次竞赛的汇报及评审方式不同于以往。评委团中的郑时龄院士、吴志强院士、Alan J. Plattus、以及西泽立卫先生,无法亲自来到现场,以函评结合观看现场直播与进行现场连线的方式,参与了最终评审。参赛团队中的华南理工大学与都灵理工大学建筑设计学院组成的联合体团队、美国生态系统城市设计(ESD)事务所与蔡永洁教授/建筑师组成的联合体团队、UNStudio联合Gross Max及Systematica组成的联合体团队则采取了结合线上汇报的方式,向评审团阐述了各自的方案,并回答了现场提问。


Due to the impact of the epidemic, the presentation and judging of this competition was different from the previous ones. Academician Shiling Zheng , Academician Zhiqiang Wu, Mr. Alan J. Plattus, and Mr. Nishizawa Ryue of the jury could not be present, so they participated in the final evaluation through a combination of correspondence evaluation, live broadcast and live connection. The team of South China University of Technology and Politecnico di Torino of Architecture and Design, the team of Ecosystem of Urban Design (ESD) and Prof. Yongjie Cai, and the team of UNStudio and Gross Max and Systematica took the opportunity to present their work to the jury in an online presentation. They presented their respective programs and answered questions.



The academic atmosphere of the scene was strong, the Top 10 players painted a touching picture of the future ShanShui city of Lishui on their respective ideals, and the jury panel also started a wonderful question and answer session with the Top 10 from their professional point of view.



Finally, after two rounds of careful scoring by the nine jury!

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First Prize:China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

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二等奖获得者:Olivier Greder

Second Prize:Olivier Greder

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三等奖获得者:华南理工大学 + 都灵理工大学建筑设计学院

Third Prize:South China University of Technology + POLITECNICO DI TORINO – Department of Architecture and Design

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十强:博埃里建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 + 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 + 万物生长(北京)文化旅游发展有限公司

Top10:BOERI Architecture Design Consulting(Shanghai) CO., LTD. + TONGJI Architectural Design (Group) CO.,LTD. + WWSZ (Beijing) Culture & Tourism Development CO., LTD.


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十强:加拿大GA城市规划与景观设计有限公司杭州代表处 + 浙江省建筑设计研究院

Top10:Canada GA city planning and Landscape Design Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Representative Office + Zhejiang Province Institute of  Architectural Design and Research, ZIAD

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十强:DE-SO 亚洲设计顾问股份公司 + 笛东规划设计(北京)股份有限公司

Top10:DE-SO Asia Design Consultant Joint Stock Company + DDON Planning & Design Inc.

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Top10:Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University



Top10:China Architecture Design & Research Group


十强:UNStudio + Gross Max + Systematica

Top10:UNStudio + Gross Max + Systematica



十强:美国生态系统城市设计(ESD)事务所 + 蔡永洁教授/建筑师

Top10:Eco Systems Design Studio(ESD) Ltd + Cai Yongjie 


Future Shanshui City – Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition Award Ceremony and Shanshui City Forum attracted about 400 people from Lishui city government, media, designers and business representatives to gather in Lishui, who came for Dwellings in Lishui Mountains to witness the birth of the Top 3 and discuss the future development of the future ShanShui city.




At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr. Xiaodong Wu, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Lishui Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Lishui, gave an opening speech.




Mayor Wu‘s speech




Mr. Kai Cui, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice president of the Architectural Society of China, gave a  speech speaking about the competition as a representative of the competition jury.

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Academician Kai Cui speaks



Mr. Zhijian Lou, Vice Mayor of Lishui, and Mr. Weidong Ma, Director of Architecture & Urbanism magazine and Founder of One-tenth Art Company, presented prizes and certificates to the winners of the "Best Creative Project Award".




Awarding the “Most creative Project Award"

紧接着,由丽水市委常委、常务副市长杜兴林 ,上海同济城市规划设计研究院院长周俭先生共同为竞赛十强的入围奖进行颁奖。


Then, Mr. Xinglin Du, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lishui Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Lishui, and Mr. Jian Zhou, President of Shanghai Tongji Institute of Urban Planning and Design, presented the awards to the Top 10 finalists of the competition.




Awarding the “TOP 10"







When it came to the awarding of the Top 3, the list of the Top 3 had already been released, and the atmosphere was growing increasingly tense and excited, with the choice of the winner touching the hearts of everyone in the arena.


First of all, the third prize was awarded by Mr. Ruishang Chen, Chairman of Lishui CPPCC, and Mr. Yansong Ma, founder of MAD Architects and a famous architect, who presented the trophy, prize money and medals to the winner of the third prize: the consortium formed by South China University of Technology and Politecnico di Torino of Architecture and Design.



Awarding the Third Prize



个人参赛选手:中国美院建筑艺术学院教授Olivier Greder先生颁发奖杯、奖金与奖牌。


Afterwards, Mr. Hongming Yu, Director of the Standing Committee of Lishui Municipal People's Congress, and Mr. Jiaming Cao, President of Shanghai Architectural Society and Editor-in-Chief of Architectural Practice magazine, presented trophies, prizes and medals to the second prize winner, Mr. Olivier Greder, Professor of Architectural Art School of China Academy of Art and Design, who was an individual participant.



Awarding the Second Prize





Mr. Wu Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Lishui Municipal Committee and Mayor of Lishui City, Academician Kai Cui, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Vice President of the Architectural Society of China, presented trophies, prizes and medals to the winner of the first prize: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design.



Awarding the First Prize


Expert Advisers Lead Urban Development



In order to promote the development of Lishui city construction, the CPC Lishui Municipal Party Committee and Lishui Municipal People's Government invited academician Kai Cui, Chairman Jiaming Cao, President Jian Zhou, Mr. Yansong Ma, and Mr. Weidong Ma to be the "Lishui City Construction Expert Advisors", and Mr. Haifeng Hu, Secretary of the CPC Lishui Municipal Party Committee, awarded the expert advisors.


Secretary Mr. Haifeng Hu awards the expert advisors


Theme speeches & City Forum


在本次论坛的部分,评委团中的五位大咖评委:中国工程院院士崔愷院士、著名建筑师马岩松先生、中国建筑学会副理事长曹嘉明先生、中国城市规划学会理事周俭先生、日本《建筑与都市(a+u)》杂志董事、 拾分之壹创始人马卫东先生,同跨界嘉宾著名导演、制片人、监制、演员张纪中先生共同探讨传统山水之意蕴及新时代山水城市的发展。马岩松先生、张纪中先生还分别就"山水之城"及山水城市与文化艺术为主题,做了主题演讲。各路大咖共聚丽水,进行精彩的思维碰撞,为山水城市的未来发展贡献智慧。


In this part of the forum, five jury from the jury panel were: academician Kai Cui from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, famous architect Mr. Yansong Ma, vice president of the Architectural Society of China Mr. Jiaming Cao, director of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning Mr. Jian Zhou, director of Japan's Architecture and Urbanism (a+u) magazine and founder of One-tenth Art Company, Mr. Weidong Ma, and crossover guest famous director, producer and actor, Mr. Jizhong Zhang. They discussed the meaning of traditional Shanshui and the development of future shanshui city. Mr. Yansong Ma and Mr. Jizhong Zhang also gave speeches on the theme of "City of Shanshui" and Shanshui city and culture and art respectively. They gathered in Lishui to have a wonderful thought collision and contribute wisdom to the future development of the Shanshui city.



The scene of the forum



The beautiful dream of future ShanShui city sprouted in Lishui, and the announcement of the final result is the end of the International Urban Design Competition of the Future Shanshui City – Dwellings in Lishui Mountains, but it is more carrying the Chinese people's attachment to shanshui that has been accumulated in their hearts since ancient times, and the beautiful dream of future shanshui city in the new era environment is set sail!



Dwellings in Lishui Mountains, will start here!

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